Essential Oils for Winter & Cold


 During the winter months, it's common to develop bronchial infections, sinus infections, throat infections, and viral, lung and bacterial infections if you have low immunity. These can really make you feel unwell and interrupt your life for a long time if not corrected. When you're surrounded by others sneezing and coughing, it seems nearly impossible to keep them away. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help combat some symptoms and help you recover faster if you catch a flu or virus.

One of the most beneficial oils for fighting these infections is Eucalyptus oil, which is great for boosting your immune system and can help relieve respiratory ailments. This oil is also great for sore throats, coughs, headaches and seasonal allergies. Eucalyptus oil wok due to its ability to stimulate immunity and provide antioxidant protection. Always put just a few drops on a burner, as too much oil can negate some of its positive properties.

Peppermint oil is another great winter oil for muscle aches and pains associated with these conditions above. It can also help with seasonal allergy symptoms, boost your energy levels when you're feeling a little flat from an infection, and help with digestive complaints. Red pine needle oil also aids your immune system and helps you fight viruses, and always remember that tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic.

When you combine these oils in the recipe below, all of the above-mentioned issues can help fight off bronchial infection, sinus infection, throat infection, and viral, lung and bacterial infections, helping you get back to health fast.

All you have to do is put 8 drops of each of these oils into a vaporizer with water and then inhale the vapors produced by the vaporizer. These oils are eucalyptus, peppermint, red pine needle oil and tea tree oil as mentioned above. Do this a few times and then let the remaining oils fill the chamber.

The next time you feel a little unwell and have one of these conditions, give this oil combination a try and it may make you feel better in no time. This simple remedy can help with the symptoms and those dreadful feelings that come with the disease. However, if these do not help, it is important to see a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis of your disease.

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