Tips for Being Healthy After Fifty Years


Eat a little less than your real appetite. Squeeze the air out of your system from time to time by carefully applying gentle pressure to your abdomen.

The air inside your system can cause many problems. So it should be forced to keep you fit and well.

As you know, our body is made up of five elements, namely Water, earth, air, fire and Akash (sky). Whenever this order is disturbed, it is inevitable that some or other problems will arise.

A regular life keeps you away from such problems. Therefore, it is in our best interest to comply with a regulated schedule.

A regulated lifestyle is full of restrictions. Early to bed, early to rise, timely breakfast, timely meals, regular exercise and selective diet program.

As we concentrate on removing the air from our digestive system, it is natural for us to avoid ingesting carbonated foodstuffs.

It is concluded that grains, vegetables, fruits and other foodstuffs that are known to cause gas in the digestive system should be avoided.

In order to keep our digestion fit and good, we should avoid drinking water while eating, as acids produced by our glands to digest the food we ingest, dilute the digestive process.

After getting up in the morning, if possible, we can go for a walk or exercise regularly.

Considering our age, we should concentrate more on yoga exercises. Our main concern should be to force the gases in our system.

After our stomach gets rid of the gases, we can drink a glass of cold or warm water and do not eat anything there for at least half an hour.

We focus on protecting our health around the age of fifty because it is the age when people do not care most about their health and are used to eating spicy, fatty and fried foods without thinking about their health.

Expulsion of air from the stomach should be done very carefully. Pressure should be applied very gently so that the stomach contents do not overflow.

We should take restrictive food items in our breakfast and meals as detailed above.

It should not be thrown out until about two hours after the meal. Continuous practice will give you an idea of ​​how much pressure must be applied to push the gases out of your stomach. The process can be repeated after a small gap until the desired result is achieved.

It should be noted that this forced air evacuation will occur through belching, albeit in small pieces.

As we know, the digestion of food we take is a biochemical event. While the water and gases obtained as a good-bye product are consumed by our body, the excess is thrown out of the system. Water is excreted as urine along with other toxic substances, while gas or air is naturally released as the wind passes.

One must eat to live, not live to eat. Keep your stomach light, you will always feel fit and energetic. On the other hand, overfeeding will make you sluggish.

For this reason, one should be patient and continue to repeat this process from time to time instead of making it a habit to repeat it from time to time.

First of all, let's talk about some precautions to be taken when applying pressure to the stomach. Gases are mostly found in the upper part of the stomach. If we apply some pressure by sucking the stomach inward, the air will come out of the mouth in small pieces. Repeated suction helps to expel enough gas from the system, making you feel lighter.

A regular lifestyle, a balanced and healthy diet, a little exercise will never give you a chance to regret it, it will give you a long and healthy life that your members will envy.

Since the stomach is a very sensitive organ of our body and any excessive pressure can cause problems, extreme care must be taken when resorting to the process of expelling this air from our system.

However, I will recommend to all fifties, i.e. those aged fifty and over, an early morning exercise program aimed at warming the body and internal organs as well as squeezing the air in our system.

When it comes to the exercise part, I don't want to interfere with the exercise program someone wants to follow. So you are free to follow the exercise program you think is best for you.

Our normal exercise procedure should not be strenuous or vigorous and should be easy. Also, our exercise should be balanced, for example, if we rotate our right hand four times a full circle, we must also rotate our left hand four times.

This beginner exercise program will be in addition to the regular exercise routine you want to follow on a regular basis.

This program is very easy to follow. It takes almost 30 to 45 minutes. You don't need to do anything, just stretch yourself fully in all positions i.e. lying flat, lying upside down and lying on your side.

Now let's focus on squeezing the air out of our system. There are three locations where we can expel air from our system.

In this process, sometimes you need to lengthen your stomach, sometimes shorten it, sometimes suck your stomach up and sometimes down you may need to push.

You may need to swing, twist, twist, bend, and stretch your body and do all sorts of internal acrobatics to force air out of your system, but always using light to moderate strength or pressure and without straining your stomach. You can also discover your own method and positions that suit your purpose. But make sure that this type of exercise is only possible on a hard bed or surface on a cotton mattress. Do not use foam or coconut mattresses for the purpose.

This stretching will warm up the internal organs of our body.

The first position is when we lie upside down, followed by positions 2 and 3 when we lie on our right and left side respectively.

We have to put our hands under the chest and manage in such a way that the whole weight of the body does not come to our stomach. When we come to this position, we can start the process of pushing the air out of our system by sucking our stomach upwards. With each sucking, the air will come out piece by mouth through the mouth. Thus, we can gradually manage to expel the air from our system.

We have to take some precautions while lying in the first position, that is, upside down. In this position, since our stomach is pressed hard on the bed due to our weight, there is a possibility that the stomach contents will overflow from the mouth.

When this position is reached, press your hand lightly on your stomach and at the same time suck your stomach upwards. The air will come out through the mouth in bits and pieces. Our stomach can be compared to a balloon. You will notice that a tightly inflated balloon softens within a few days as the walls lose their elasticity due to the constant air pressure. If we open the mouth of the balloon after a few days, we will see that all the gas does not come out due to the stretched wall and some of it remains inside the balloon.

By the age of fifty, our stomach is like a stretched balloon. The air inside remains full and therefore we do not want to eat anything as the stomach already looks tense. If the pressure inside the stomach increases significantly, you will often see people burping and then embarrassing both themselves and others.

We continue to eat throughout the day, so the level of gas in the system is likely to increase, leading to complications. If we develop a technique to get the air out of our system from time to time, we can stay fit and well and avoid embarrassing ourselves and others.

I found the technique of voluntarily expelling gases convenient as it is noiseless unlike burping and is easily manageable once you get used to it. You will also always feel active, energetic, lighter and never feel dull or lethargic.

Please note that it is necessary to expel air from our system when our stomach is almost empty.

Now let's discuss the remaining two positions lying on your side. Lying on the right or left, you should pull your knees towards your chest as much as possible in both positions. Then insert your right hand, if you are lying on your left side and you are lying on your left hand, on your right side, the pressure or force applied between your chest and legs to push the air out of our system should be light. moderate and never beyond. Applying too much force can cause problems.

Last but not least, you must have a strong Willpower and a lot of patience and confidence that you will achieve what you want to achieve and nothing can stop your progress.

I hope this exercise pattern will suit you and you will be able to eliminate the problems of gas overfilling in your system.

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