What's Good for the Flu? How to Treat Colds and Flu with Natural Methods at Home, How Many Days Will Heal Fastest?

Ways to get rid of the flu are being investigated, especially in the months when microorganisms are active. Cough, high fever and often a severe feeling of weakness cause many people to consult a doctor, especially during the seasons. Epidemics multiply and infect people at exactly these dates. While the flu is defined as a contagious infection like a cold, it has much greater effects than the common cold. However, it is quite simple to fight the flu virus with some herbal and natural treatments that you can apply at home. During the day, many people ask, “What is good for the flu?” seeks an answer. In the news we have prepared for you, some herbal and natural treatment methods that you will apply in your home are good for the flu, how does it go? You can find the answer to your question. Here are the details…

The flu virus is a situation that many people complain about, especially during the seasonal transition periods we are in right now. In this content, which we have prepared for people who apply to hospitals with problems such as high fever, cough, and severe weakness, it is possible to get over the flu with natural herbal treatment methods, with the answer to the question of what is good for the flu and how it passes, and with some foods that you can increase your consumption at home. It should not be forgotten that increasing water consumption is very important for the treatment of flu. Here are the herbal and natural ways of treatment at home that are good for the flu…

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👉 what is good for flu, home solution?

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Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness and occasionally lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu vaccine every year.

➡️What happens if the lactating mother gets the flu?

You can continue to breastfeed your baby even if you take antiviral medications for flu-like symptoms. A mother's breast milk is made specifically for her baby and provides the antibodies babies need to fight infection. Thus, continuing to breastfeed can protect your baby from the infection your body is fighting. Influenza during pregnancy is a very common condition, but in such cases, the drugs you will take in consultation with your doctor can cure you in a short time. There are also some herbal and natural flu treatments that you can apply at home. You can learn about these by reading the rest of our news…

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➡️What are the symptoms of flu?

The flu is different from the common cold. The flu usually comes on suddenly. People with the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:

  • fever or feeling feverish/chills
  • cough
  • throat ache
  • runny or stuffy nose
  • muscle or body aches
  • headaches
  • fatigue (fatigue)

Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, but this is more common in children than adults.

*It is important to note that not everyone with the flu will have a fever.


Treating the flu in babies is quite simple. Everyone knows that a baby gets all his needs from mother's milk. Continuing to breastfeed your baby means that he will easily fight viruses as he will strengthen his immune system.

But while sick, protect your baby from as many germs as possible. Babies are at higher risk of catching the flu and having health problems. 

wash your hands often

limit face-to-face contact with your baby

Wearing a face mask while breastfeeding to prevent coughing, sneezing or breathing in your baby's face can be a precaution for the flu virus.


It is the food that provides your body with the energy and nutrients it needs to function. These effects are equally vital when you have the flu. It's all about eating the right foods for your condition, though.

👉 home remedy methods that are good for flu

Meat Water

Whether you prefer chicken, beef, or vegetables, broth is one of the best things to eat when you have the flu. You can eat as soon as your symptoms start and until you are completely healed.

The broth helps prevent dehydration, and the warm elements can help soothe a sore throat and relieve congestion.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup combines the benefits of broth with additional ingredients. Sliced ​​chicken provides your body with iron and protein, and you also gain nutrients from carrots, herbs, and celery. One of the soups that is good for the flu is chicken broth soup, which you can drink hot.

You can eat chicken soup during the flu to help you stay hydrated and full; just be sure to watch the salt content.


You may think of garlic as a food flavoring agent, but it has actually been used as an alternative to various diseases for centuries.#f is used in medicine. Though thought of as an immediate flu curbing drug, one study found that the source of garlic supplements in adults with the flu increased immunity and reduced symptom severity.

You don't need to take supplements though. Eating raw garlic can also be beneficial. Due to the immune-enhancing effects, swallowing a small clove of garlic with the help of water, like a medicine, on the days when you feel the first symptoms of the flu, is among the things that are good for the flu.


According to a study reported in the journal International ImmunopharmacologyTrusted Source, yogurt with live cultures not only helps soothe a sore throat, but may also boost your immune system. Yogurt also contains protein. Therefore, it is among the ways to get rid of the flu.

You can eat yogurt with a sore throat, but be sure to choose whole yogurts that do not contain added sugar.

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Fruits containing vitamin C: Consuming plenty of fruit during flu epidemics is a very good solution as it will strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C is an important nutrient to help strengthen your trusted immune system, especially important when you are sick. While supplements can help, your body can absorb nutrients like vitamin C more effectively from the food you eat.

Consider snacking on fruits rich in vitamin C when you have the flu. Some fruits rich in vitamin C include strawberries, tomatoes, and citrus fruits.

leafy greens

Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens can also help boost your immune system when you have the flu. It has both vitamin C and vitamin E, another immune-boosting nutrient. Therefore, it should be consumed for the treatment of flu.

Consider combining leafy greens with fruit in a smoothie or eat them raw with a slice of lemon and olive oil. It is best to eat these immunity-boosting foods throughout your illness.


Broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse that can benefit your body when you have the flu. Eating just one serving will provide immune-boosting vitamins C and E, along with calcium and fiber.

Consider eating broccoli when your appetite returns towards the middle or end of the flu. You can also eat broccoli soup; just remember to check the sodium content.

Rolled oats

When you're sick, a warm bowl of oatmeal can be a soothing, nutritious food choice. Oatmeal, like other whole grains, is a natural source of immune-boosting vitamin E. It also contains polyphenol antioxidants as well as immune-boosting beta-glucan fiber.

Medicines that are good for the flu

If you think you are carrying the flu virus, you should definitely be examined by a specialist doctor and use medication only with the doctor's advice. In cases such as the flu that does not go away, you should definitely consult your doctor again.

Choose whole oats for the most benefits.


Toward the end of the flu, you may have an increase in sinus and chest congestion. Certain spices, such as pepper and horseradish, can help relieve congestion so you can breathe better. However, avoid spicy foods when you have a sore throat.


The flu vaccine, which is applied every year to fight the flu virus that causes seasonal flu, is effective during the flu season. It is developed by the World Health Organization by determining the types of viruses that made an epidemic a year ago, and the content of the vaccine is changed every year depending on this application.


Abundant water consumption

During the flu, the body loses a lot of water. Not only do you eat and drink less and have an overall reduced water intake, but you also lose sweaty water when you have a fever. Fluids are not only important for your body's functions, but they can also help break up congestion and ward off infections.


Herbal tea with honey, ginger tea: Consuming herbal teas containing ginger and honey is considered one-to-one treatment for flu.

honey and lemon tea (mix equal parts with hot water)

100 percent fruit juices (choose products with no added sugar)

Low-sugar sports drinks or other drinks with electrolytes such as Pedialyte can only be used if you are dehydrated.

While not typical for seasonal flu, vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms that may require electrolyte use.

How is the flu cured with herbal and natural solutions at home?

Consuming the above foods can help you beat the flu easily at home. Knowing what to avoid with the flu is perhaps just as important as what to eat. If you have the flu, avoid the following:

Alcohol: This lowers your immune system and causes dehydration.

Caffeinated drinks: Products like coffee, black tea, and soda can make you more thirsty.#it can bring. Also, many of these drinks can contain sugar.

Hard or rough foods: Crispy crackers, chips, and foods with a similar texture can aggravate cough and sore throat.

Processed foods: Whether these are made from a fast food joint or a can, the more a food is processed, the less nutrients you get. With the flu, your body is trying to heal itself, so it's important to supplement the process with whole, nutritious foods.


From the moment you feel that you have flu symptoms in your body, you need to be very careful about your diet. It is especially important to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

➡️How many days does the flu go away?

When you catch the flu virus and start a specialist treatment process, it takes a maximum of 5 days for your body to recover from the flu. Many symptoms lose their effect after 3 days with the drugs you use and the healthy foods you consume.


How quickly does the flu go away?

If you think how the flu passes quickly, you can consume a lot of garlic. In fact, if you put garlic somewhere in the room of someone who has the flu, it also reduces the microbial level of the room. *Onion, like garlic, is an effective method. If you slice the onion on bread and eat it, you can get rid of the flu virus in your body.

What is good for flu? home remedy?

Foods that are good against flu can be listed as follows: Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Chicken Soup, Trout Soup, Ginger, Lemon Tea, Echinacea.

What is good for cold and runny nose?

What is good for a runny nose? Consuming plenty of fluids. If there are symptoms of nasal congestion along with a runny nose, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. ... to take a steam bath. Inhaling hot steam helps reduce a runny nose. ... Drinking hot herbal teas. ... Turmeric. ... Ginger. ... Garlic.

What is the best medicine for the flu?

Flu drugs are antiviral drugs that are effective against influenza virus and its subtypes. They are only effective against influenza virus.

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